The formerly classic restaurant "EL-GRECO" has been presenting itself in a modern ambience for 6 years. The world as a guest of friends, honest, casual and friendly, Marko and his uncle welcome every guest personally. We want to know why a Greek restaurant also offers pizza and Italian coffee.
"Coffee has always been my hobby. As a trained restaurant professional, I was able to study coffee culture at an early stage",
explains Markos Papakonstantis, owner of the LADEA's. According to forecasts, the average age of the Greek population will increase to around 50.7 years by 2050. Is this due to Greek mocha, which is known to protect the arteries, reduce the risk of diabetes and promote general immune health?
"Of course. And because that is the case, our guests can also buy our coffee 'La Dea' and thus sustainably promote their health",
Marko explains the offer. In 2022, the "elGreco", as it was called before the renovation, will celebrate its 30th anniversary. Where does the "LADEA Ice Skating Speed Team" see itself in the next 30 years?
"I am very relaxed about the future. When I took over the restaurant six years ago in the third generation, it was clear to me that classic cuisine, quality, a good team and modernity can be combined excellently. As they say among sailors? A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist waits for it, but a realist sets sail",
Marko sums up. Well then, "Jámas" to the next 30 years ...