Contribution rules

Health Media Award e.V.


The legal basis for the contribution rules is § 5 of the Articles of Association of the registered association Health Media Award. The contribution rules support the purpose of the association as well as the promotion of health education on a national, European or international level. With financial help, it is possible for the association to obtain a certificate and/or award (e.g. Health:Angel) to personalities, projects, foundations, non-governmental organisations and/or companies. Nevertheless, all association activities, press work or social media activities are also supported. In addition, the contribution rules are intended to put the association in a financial position to act as an advisor for the "Health Media Award" competition or for other projects. It is mainly for this purpose that the association collects the supporting membership fees.

(1) Assessment basis for sustaining membership fee

Notwithstanding the annual turnover or annual financial statement of the sponsoring member, the membership fee shall be calculated according to the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions in the company. The number of owners, shareholders, managing directors and family members working for the company shall be included in the calculation. In the case of associations, societies, trade unions or other associations of persons, the number of members shall be taken into account. It shall be equated with the number of employees of a company. The executive committee of the association shall be entitled to deviate from the scale of sustaining membership fees when calculating the sustaining membership fee and to determine an economically justifiable sustaining membership fee for the sustaining member. This regulation also applies to non-profit organisations or start-ups.

(2) Minimum contribution of the sustaining member fee

Supporting members with up to 10 employees pay a minimum annual membership fee of €5,000.00 (or €10,000.00 for a 24-month sustaining membership).

(3) Staggering of the sustaining membership fee

From 11 Employees or more, the following scale applies for the calculation of the annual sustaining membership fee:

Number of employees / sponsoring membership fee per year

  • 11 to 24 employees: 6.000,00€ / year
  • 25 to 49 employees: 7.000,00€ / year
  • 50 to 99 employees: 8.000,00€ / year
  • 200 to 499 employees: 12.000,00€ / year
  • 100 to 199 employees: 10.000,00€ / year
  • 500 to 999 employees: 15.000,00€ / year
  • from 1,000 employees: 30,000.00€ / year
  • from 1,500 employees: 50,000.00€ / year
  • from 2,000 employees: 70,000.00€ / year

(4) Calculation of the sustaining membership fees

The sustaining membership fee is calculated in one sum for a membership term of 24 months (see § 4 of the statutes) when a sustaining member is admitted for the first time. For the calculation of the membership fee it is irrelevant whether the admission takes place at the beginning of the year or in the current year.

4.1 Extension of the membership fee
The collection of the sustaining membership fee is automatically extended for a further 12 months if the sustaining membership is not terminated in due time. With the renewal of the membership for a further 12 months, the sustaining member shall receive a separate invoice for the membership fee, which shall be due for payment immediately.

4.2 Due date for membership fees
The supporting membership fees are due immediately after acceptance and confirmation of membership in Health Media Award e.V. for the first 24 months and are to be paid in advance by the supporting member. Unless the invoice for the payment of the sustaining membership fee stipulates otherwise, the sustaining membership fees are to be paid within 14 days.

4.3 Cancellation of sponsoring membership
After termination of the sponsoring membership and expiry of the sponsoring membership rights, no pro rata repayment of the sponsoring membership fee shall be made.

4.4 Discounts on sustaining membership fees
In case of granting a direct debit mandate of the sustaining member to the Health Media Award e.V., the sustaining membership fee is reduced once by 15%. The Board of Directors may also grant the sustaining member a separate discount on the regular membership fee.

4.5 Payment of sustaining membership fee, default
The sustaining member shall ensure that the subscription is paid on time. If the Supporting Member's subscription is not received by the Association by the due date (see 4.2.), the Supporting Member shall automatically be in default of payment of its Supporting Member's subscription. Interest of 4 % shall then accrue on the outstanding subscription for each day of arrears. If the account of a sustaining member does not have sufficient funds at the time when the fee is debited, insofar as a direct debit procedure has been agreed, the sustaining member shall be liable to the Association for all costs incurred by the Association in collecting the sustaining member fee (e.g. debt collection, lawyer, court costs) as well as for any return debit notes. The same shall apply if no direct debit mandate has been issued by the sustaining member. In the event of reminders regarding outstanding or late payment of dues by the sustaining member, a reminder fee of €30.00 per reminder will be charged. If the defaulting member is a consumer, a reminder fee of €4.00 will be charged. Collection costs will be charged 1:1 to the sponsoring member by the collection agency commissioned by Health Media Award e.V..

4.6 Material support, discounts, documentation
Supporting members who, instead of contributions in euros, contribute exclusively in kind or services to the Association and/or to the Association's events (e.g. Health Media Award, Health:Angel Foundation) shall receive a discount on the supporting member contribution in the amount of the respective purchase value (market price). This does not apply if the supporting member ceases its deliveries or services to the association, terminates the contracts with the association, the "Health Media Award" competition is not announced or the award ceremony is held remotely/digitally or is cancelled altogether. The respective (purchase) value of the goods or services provided must be proven by the sponsoring member by means of an invoice to the Association. In the case of consulting or conceptual services, the contractor shall also submit a time sheet with date. If, at the request of the Association, no invoice is submitted by the sustaining member or the contracted service provider, the sustaining member fee shall be staggered in accordance with section 3 of the membership fee regulations and settled with the sustaining member.

4.7 Advance payments, offsetting, accounting
The Health Media Award e.V. may provide advance services for its members or contractors (e.g. booking of hotels, train tickets, flights, loans, hospitality at business dinners, travel, etc.). The advance services rendered by the association may be offset by the association against the claims of its members or its contractors. However, set-offs of services rendered or to be rendered by the association against the claims of the supporting members or other service providers, service providers commissioned (or to be commissioned) by the association, in or retrospectively for the respective period of performance, are to be arranged by the board of the association within 36 months. Corresponding provisions or open claims are to be shown in the balance sheet if necessary.

4.8 Trademark rights and rights of use, licence fees
The sponsoring membership fee includes annual use of the registered word and image trademark "Health Media Award", the word marks "Health Media Award", "HMA" and "Health:Angel". Further details are regulated by a licence agreement which is concluded between the Health Media Award e.V. and the sponsoring member separately from the statutes and membership fee regulations. The (supporting) member is not entitled to use the trademarks of the association and the competition "Health Media Award" as well as the trademark Health:Angel without a valid licence agreement.

(5) Support association Health communication

As an alternative to a sponsoring membership in the association, a company can also participate financially in an "Health Communication Support Association" participate. This is an association of companies that are not members according to § 3 of the Articles of Association. The annual commitment amounts to a lump sum of 80.000,00€ plus 19% VAT. Further information is regulated in a "Fördergemeinschaft-Ordnung" (FödGO), which is still being worked out by the association's board if necessary.

(6) Special regulations for guest, trial and one-day memberships

In the case of the admission of guest, trial or day members, only the Association's Board of Directors shall decide on the amount of the membership fee. Otherwise, the provisions and regulations of the membership fee regulations shall also apply to trial, guest and day members, unless otherwise agreed between the association and the member.

(7) Association account

If no direct debit procedure has been agreed, the invoiced supporting membership fee is to be transferred to the bank account of the registered association Health Media Award.

IBAN: DE86370700240335989000
BIC: DEUTDEDBKOE (Deutsche Bank)
Account holder: HEALTH MEDIA AWARD e.V.

Transfer to other other or third-party accounts will not be recognised as payment.

(8) Adjustment of membership fees

The Board of Directors may deviate from the pro rata calculation of the sustaining membership fee according to item 3.) and determine a separate annual fee (or minimum fee) for the sustaining member. Otherwise, the sponsoring membership fees shall be updated from year to year or every 24 months during the existing sponsoring membership in the same amount and invoiced to the sponsoring member in the new sponsoring period. The association Health Media Award e.V. expressly reserves the right to adjust the sponsoring membership fees depending on the development of the market and association situation. In this respect, reference is made to the current version of the statutes. If no new adjustment of the sponsoring membership fee is made by a resolution of the Board of Directors, the sponsoring membership fee calculated for the first time shall remain in effect. If the sustaining membership fee is increased by a resolution of the Association's Board of Directors, the new fee shall only apply in the following calendar year. Until then, the sustaining membership fee is "frozen", i.e. calculated on the basis of the last invoice.

(9) Special levies, miscellaneous

According to § 5 (4) of the Statutes, the Executive Board is entitled to decide on special contributions. These contributions may be invoiced to the sustaining member together with the annual membership fee due. All sustaining membership fees are exclusive of statutory VAT. An admission fee is not charged.

(10) Data protection, place of jurisdiction

The relevant data protection regulations of the DSGVO and BDSG are observed in the context of the contribution procedure. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes concerning the sponsoring membership in the Health Media Award e.V. or the sponsoring association is the district court of Cologne.

(11) Amendments to the Contribution Rules

The Rules of Contribution shall be exclusively electronic on the website of the Health Media Award e.V. announced. The respective date of amendment of the respective resolution of the Rules of Contribution is listed at the end of the Rules of Contribution published on the internet. With the exception of the first version of 5 November 2018, the Rules of Contribution amended by a new resolution of the Board of Directors shall not be archived and shall also no longer be published.

Dues Schedule approved by Board resolution on 1 April 2022, amended by Board resolutions on 7 October 2022, 12 February 2023 and 20 March 2023.
Königswinter/Cologne, signed: Markus Berger, 1st Chairman; Nicolas, Marion, Deputy Chairman